Sterling Wellness Employee Wellness total solution with health screenings, health coaching and wellbing platform

Beating the Blues

It’s not uncommon to feel sad or unmotivated at times, but depression is more serious with persistent feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable. Taking care of yourself is an essential part of any treatment for depression but can seem almost impossible when you feel down. Incorporating self-care activities into your routine can help you beat the blues.

  • Go outside and get some fresh air and sunlight every day
  • Spend time with positive people
  • Exercise and eat a balanced diet
  • Make time for things you enjoy
  • Learn to set boundaries and say no
  • Get enough quality sleep

Emotionally difficult times often lead to unhealthy behaviors like overeating, excess alcohol consumption and neglecting exercise. Manage stress through things like deep breathing and meditation and nourish your body with exercise, proper nutrition and hydration. If you find that self-help strategies and positive lifestyle choices are not working, talk to your doctor about other options.

Learn more about the symptoms of depression here