Sterling Wellness Employee Wellness total solution with health screenings, health coaching and wellbing platform

Increasing Employee Engagement

Employees having fun at work

Are you looking for ways to increase employee engagement? Even at the best organizations, employee engagement sometimes takes a dip. At Sterling Wellness Solutions, we’ll work with you and the lives in your organization to build a health and wellness culture within your organization, which helps with increasing employee engagement. In order to increase employee engagement, you’ll need to make sure you have a handle on your corporate culture and can institute changes that are in line with your culture and will help with increasing employee engagement.

What is Employee Engagement

Employee engagement measures the number of lives in your organization that are committed to their work and are truly passionate about it. It’s not the same as employees who show up, get their work for the day done, and leave at the end of the day. Instead, it’s about employees who complete their work but take the time to makes sure it’s in line with your company’s brand and image. Engaged employees are going to be the ones who are most vocal about things happening within the company, both good and bad.

On the other hand, there’s disengaged employees and actively disengaged employees. Disengaged employees can easily be worked with to help them reframe their mindset during work. You can also work with them to help them transition into becoming engaged employees. The actively disengaged employees, though, are the ones that may cause trouble in the workplace. They may even bring other employees down. If it’s possible, actively disengaged employees should a non-existent part of your workplace.

Encourage and Implement Feedback

One of the ways to increase employee engagement is to encourage and implement good feedback. Remember, engaged employees are the ones who are putting in the time. But they also offer suggestions to make the workplace better. Your employees have good ideas. If they come to you with a way to make the office better, listen to what they’re saying.

Prioritize Health

At Sterling Wellness Solutions, we say that success begins with a healthy team. By telling your employees about what their health insurance policies cover, they’ll move away from being healthcare patients and healthcare consumers. They’ll be more in charge of their health and can help decrease absenteeism in the office.

Recognize and Reward Employees

Finally, recognize and reward employees when they do something good. Whether it’s rewarding them for crushing it when it comes to an account or recognizing the hard work they put in to the job on a regular basis, it will go a long way when it comes to keeping people happy and engaged.

Increasing employee engagement is something that will take time. But when you implement it correctly, it helps increase morale around the office. Additionally, it positively affects your corporate culture. If you’re looking to start a corporate wellness program, Sterling Wellness Solutions is here to help. We have a team of health and wellness experts ready to work you to build your corporate wellness program. Ready to start increasing engagement? Contact us for your demo today.