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Journaling and Wellbeing

When it comes to your overall wellbeing, you have many different items to think about. After all, wellbeing encompasses many different categories. In order to focus on your wellbeing, you have many different techniques to stay on top of everything. One of the techniques you can take advantage of is journaling. Journaling and wellbeing go hand in hand. Journaling gives you the chance to reflect on what you currently feel without judgment from anyone. It gives you the chance to reflect on the events happening in your life in a healthy way.

How Often Should I Journal

One of the best things about journaling and wellbeing is that there’s no right or wrong way to do it. By taking some time for yourself to write down what you’re feeling in a moment, you take the time to see if there’s repeating patterns in your life that aren’t beneficial to optimal health. But you’ll want to make sure you set aside time every day or every other day to journal in order to develop the habit.

Manage Stress

Do you regularly feel stressed out? Journaling is a great way to reign in the stresses in your life. By writing out what you’re feeling, you’re letting out the stress. And reducing stress has positive attributes to your overall health as well. When you have less stress in your life, you sleep better. In turn, that leads to a better outlook in other areas of your life.

Reduce Anxiety

Journaling on a regular basis has been shown to reduce anxiety. By taking some time out of your day to write down your worries, your working on managing your stress levels and even getting rid of troubling negative thoughts that may stay in your mind. It also gives you insight into what may trigger your anxious feelings to help you avoid them in your life.

Better Immune Function

According to Cambridge University, journaling on a regular basis may provide better immune function compared to those who don’t journal. They had lower blood pressure readings, improved lung function, and improved liver function. With those improvements, it results in less absence from work. Emotional and mental wellbeing are both important, but it’s also important to keep up your physical health for overall wellbeing.

Mood Improvement

With regular journaling, you’ll experience an overall improvement in your mood. Because you’ll experience less anxiety and less stress with the journaling, you can focus your mood on other things to help you feel better. When combined with meditation, you’ll be able to better control your mood and the thoughts you have while increasing your ability to manage tasks.

If you need a healthy way to let go of some stress in your life, journaling can help. With journaling, it’s one way you can take your wellbeing into your own hands. At Sterling Wellness Solutions, we work with companies to provide wellbeing and health coaching for their employees. Your success begins with a healthy team. Contact Sterling Wellness Solutions for your demo now.