Sterling Wellness Employee Wellness total solution with health screenings, health coaching and wellbing platform

Promoting All Wellbeing Types

When it comes to building a health and wellness culture, many people may focus on the first part (health) but not as much on the second part (wellness). In order to have an effective corporate health and wellness culture, both aspects need to be addressed. At Sterling Wellness Solutions, not only do we help build a corporate wellness program for your business through professional health screenings, health coaching, and chronic condition management, but we also work with employees on their wellbeing management. We work with them for promoting all wellbeing types. When people think of wellbeing, they may only hit on the main ones. But with Sterling Wellness Solutions, we make sure you and your employees are promoting all wellbeing types.

Physical Wellbeing

When people think of wellbeing, physical wellbeing is most likely the one they think of the most. Physical wellbeing is the act of taking care of your physical self. To promote physical wellbeing in the office, try to find ways to keep your employees active throughout the day. It will help keep everyone fit and avoid sitting down for too long, which can cause some health issues, like back pain. You might also want to consider offerings ways to keep people healthy, such as providing healthy snacks during the day.

Mental/Emotional Wellbeing

While physical wellbeing is important, as it focuses on the physical health of you and your employees, mental and emotional wellbeing is also an important piece of wellbeing. One way to promote this in the workplace is by encouraging your employees to be honest about things going on in their life and how it’s affecting their work output. By showing people that you’re open and working on fostering an open work environment, it can help improve their mental and emotional wellbeing by not letting things pile up, both physically and mentally.

Social Wellbeing

As social people, social wellbeing must play a part in overall wellbeing. This can be accomplished by instituting and following a work life balance policy in the workplace. But it can also be accomplished by arranging out of the office activities, like outdoor team building activities.

Financial Wellbeing

Many people tend to overlook financial wellbeing as one of the wellbeing types, but it’s just as crucial as some of the other types. Financial wellbeing means you or your employees feel secure in their finances and feel positive about their financial future. If finances are worrisome for your employees, try to have resources available to help them. This could include knowing reputable financial advisors and recommending them.

Promoting all wellbeing types can take time. But once you and your employees’ wellbeing management is more rounded, it can lead to a better team. At Sterling Wellness Solutions, we work to build corporate wellness programs that fit your organization and build a healthy team. We believe that success begins with a healthy team. Start building your healthy team with Sterling Wellness Solutions today.