Sterling Wellness Employee Wellness total solution with health screenings, health coaching and wellbing platform

Redefining Fast Food

Healthy foods for work

Eating on the go isn’t always ideal, but sometimes it’s inevitable. If you find yourself crunched for time and in need of a quick bite, having a healthy snack on hand can help you avoid making an unhealthy decision or opting for fast food. Check out these quick tips for eating well on the go.

Prioritize breakfast. Start your day off right by including a protein to keep you full, such as eggs or low-fat Greek yogurt, as well as a serving of fruit and whole grains. If you struggle to make breakfast in the morning, try making it the night before. Consider quick meals to take on the go such as overnight oats or premade healthy muffins or egg cups.

Bring your own snacks. To avoid consuming unhealthy convenience foods, stock up on healthy, portable snacks such as whole fruit, vegetables and hummus, or dried fruit and nuts with low-fat cheese. Keep snacks on hand throughout the day so you are less likely to make an unhealthy decision when hunger creeps in.

Make a balanced plate. Utilize the MyPlate method when you’re eating on the go. Aim to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter of your plate with protein, and a quarter with whole grains. Maintaining balance provides a variety of vitamins and nutrients to keep you fuller, longer.

Choose healthier options when dining out. Try to choose healthier options when available on the menu. Ask for salad dressing on the side, choose grilled instead of fried foods and select water instead of sweetened beverages. Most fast food restaurants offer healthy alternatives such as side salads or fruit cups in place of fries or high calorie side items.

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